“Happy Mother’s Day!” was bellowed by the two people I love as I considered if I really did want to wake up. My husband when he saw my eyes he followed with plan for the day, “ I thought we would head to the coast, walk on the beach, eat at our favorite place, and get you some yarn.”
Coming to I said, “Oh! We can get chickens!”. There is a great feed store on the coast where all us suburbanites get our chickens.
TsukiMoon said, “chickens?! I want chickens.” The deed was done. He and I usually charge in headfirst with enthusiasm. It is common for Mr. TsukiMoon to act as brakes and voice of reason on most ideas we come up with.
The thought that went through his head was probably, ‘oh shit.’ Since it was mother’s day he said little and got on the chicken train with us. He was very nice. With the addition of the chicks bought there are 8 critters in our small ranch.
The coast road fills up with cars quickly so I bounced out of bed. We piled into the car, made a quick stop at Starbucks, and were off . We even took the dog.
We got to the coast at about 8:00 in the morning. Bella hadn’t even been walked that morning. We went to dog-friendly beach to walk Bella and enjoy ourselves until things in town opened up.
I left Mr. TsukiMoon with TsukiMoon to walk Bella down the beach. It was a healing walk. I started to fantasize about how nice walk next to the water everyday. I felt small, in a good way, much like one of the waves breaking on the shore. It reminded me that I have only one chance to do whatever there is and not to be afraid. I was emboldened by peace I felt in my bones.
We have a saying in our house that we repeat regularly: It will all work out. This applies to money, to TsukiMoon, to work, to life. When ever my husband or I feel roughed up by life, we settle the thoughts, let go of the situation and say, “Everything will work out.” What it means is that we need to let go of the results and just keep putting one foot in front of another.
When we walk away from the results of what we want and just focus on the now we are free from the punishment of it not turning out exactly right. What do we control now?
Bella was happy but feeling none of the enjoyment that I was. Her little short legs make any long walk a chore. I would turn around to see how she was doing. She would be standing, looking at me like I was crazy to walk so far., It’s as if her face said, “hey lady, you know the car is in the other direction.” He enthusiasm to explore diminishes over time. If it wasn’t for her fantastic nose she would probably call it a day after 10 minutes. She is a loyal dog and managed to keep up because she wants to be with her human. She makes a great companion on the beach even if not a best running/walking partner. Her calm presence added support to the tenuity I felt in the face of the mighty Pacific Ocean. She is a good dog.
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